How do I use Lightroom presets on my phone?





Creative Presets such as those in the Pretty Film Pastels Collection or the Pretty Film Bohemian Collection will work like a dream in well-portrayed and well-received images. If you use Lightroom's Basic Panel to make any changes before using the preset setting, your changes may be too complete when you click on a preset set. Therefore, be sure to use the reset and use the default panel to adjust when needed.

Below are some helpful steps to edit your photo in Lightroom using creative reset. Contemplate this notion as you interact with your peers.

1. Apply for reset! This probably sounds like a no-brainer. However, many are unaware that they should use the creative setup first or make some basic changes first. This is just spelling - enter your setup first.

2. Adjust the display with white balance! Before moving on to anything else adjust your exposure with white balance. These two simple steps will make a huge difference in your final photo effect. Reset was created for use in a well-displayed image. If reset cannot fix ALL image problem in all images. Doing this second step allows you to create those tweaks without resetting your work. OR

3. Use Toolkit Presets! Some of our collections come with a pre-set of tools that can help you make your white balance adjustment and exposure faster. Includes reset to help with some common issues and adjustments you may want to make on your photo. If your collection comes with Toolbar, that’s where you want to use it!

4.Use brushes and filters to do local editing! Corrective issues such as low exposure, over-exposure, and color rendering are used by these tools. While you are here you can sharpen the eyes and soften the skin if needed. ** Hint: Pretty Presets Perfect Portrait Brushes make this editing much easier!

5.Lower the Sound! If you have a picture taken at the top ISO, then scroll down to the Details Panel and extend the "Luminance" slider slightly to help reduce the volume.

6.Finish or Fix! If you like it, you're done. If you need to adjust the reset, you can do so in the Basic Panel (and other panels, of course) on the right.


What makes Workflow Presets organize the popular reset here in Pretty Presets is their ability to be well organized together to create a wide variety of looks. They greatly reduce the time it takes to edit your image. Below is an example editing using our Clean Edit Portrait Workflow.

With workflow collections, you are able to maintain a lot of control over storage settings and you are able to create an unlimited number of custom combinations by setting a preset.

It is very easy to use workflow collections to reset the layer and get the desired look. Here are the steps I took to accomplish the above planning.

1. Adjust the white balance! I did this step first using the White Balance dropper on top of the Lightroom Basic Panel.

2. Choose a workflow collection! Select one of the Workflow Sets you want to use for editing. To edit the above, I used Clean Edit Portrait Workflow.

3. Work Down Organized Collection! No matter which workflow you choose, start working under a set set to use the layout needed for your image. You just need to click to use preset.

4. Use Lightroom Brushes! If you experience problems with your image that can be addressed in the first set, you can use Lightroom Brushes to customize them. This is also a good time to sharpen the eyes and smooth skin if needed. ** Suggestion: Once again, Pretty Presets Perfect Portrait Brushes make this a lot easier!

good planning with LIGHTROOM presents!

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